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(?) major,(underlined) Feb. 28, 1960 IV  4

the food vigorously. 
  Both M and Hrr have tried to follow me as soon as they could walk (or even before!)

(?) major,(underlined)I February 29, 1960
                        Barro Colorado

  Hbt finally hatched some time early this morning. Still damp at 5:00 a.m.
  I think that the general scheme of development of the DN's outlined yesterday must be approximately correct. Hrr was uttering nearly constant DN's around 7:00-9:00 a.m. today. Long, long series. Many more DN's than it uttered while in the egg, and probably somewhat more than it uttered last night just after hatching. But by tonight, when I got back from town, it was uttering many, many (underlined) fewer DN's! Similarly, HBT was uttering a lot of DN's this morning just after (?) and a great many tonight.
  It is probably that Hbt's DN's are now higher pitched and more whistle-like than they were earlier in the egg.
  We recorded only Hbt today,this evening, around 7:30 p.m.
  (Hbt = "Herbert". Hrr = "Harriet" M = " Myrtle")
  Hrr follows us much less energetically than M does. Possibly because Hrr was put in with M almost immediately after hatching. Possibly Hrr is fixated or (?) on M as well as (?)