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(?) major, (underlined),Apr. 16, 1960 II 22

ile (approximately an hour), I put them both back in their cage. I then (?) to them, in a perfectly normal voice, (perfectly to voice is underlined) and was surprised to see M perform a couple of Tsh's. I continued to speak to them in a normal voice and M continued top perform Tsh's, quite frequently, intermingled with preening movements and intention movements. Hrr also began to perform Tsh's and preening intention movements, but much less frequently than M. (much to M are underlined). I then started to utter "Cooooooo" sounds, as described above on Apr. 9, p.19, and both animals started to perform a perfect frenzy of Tsh's & preening movements. M again performed more than Hrr. Hrr, did, however, ruffle all the back feathers, in an apparent indication of the general ruffle which (?) a general shake during ordinary comfort activities, while M kept her plumage quite smooth. I did not continued there "Cooooooo" sounds very long, which may explain why neither bird performed gaping and retching movements.
  I think this behavior tonight indicates conclusively that such comfort movements are produced by some form of frustration rather than pure physical discomfort. The two most significant features of the birds' behavior tonight would seem to be: M began the Lh's and preening movements when I was talking to her in a perfectly normal voice, before I began to utter "Coooooo" notes (she has never, to my knowledge, reacted in this way before in similar circumstances), and M reacted more than Hrr (just the reverse of the difference between the behavior of the 2 birds on Apr. 9. 
  I still haven't the faintest idea of what (?)of frustration is involved. (Escape is certainly not (not underlined) involved, as the birds never show any tract of TVC during such Tsh - preening performances. Attack is presumably not involved either, as they never show any tendency to attack one another either.)
  M is completely feathered now. Hrr is almost completely feathered