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[[underlined]] Tinamus major, [[underlined]]  Aug. 14, 1960, III


Then suddenly rushed to one of the newcomers. Silent during the rush.  In completely unritualized posture, with neck stretched upward and forward, with bill open in a definite (but not necessarily ritualized) [[underlined]] G [[underlined]]!! When she got about 6 inches away from the newcomer, she suddenly stopped, and went back into an extreme TV. Silent.

After a minute or so, M relaxed and walked around the cage in an apparently quite unritualized manner. Then suddenly dashed toward the newcomer again, stopped short a few inches away again, went into extreme TV again. During the next few minutes, M repeated this procedure again + again. Dash at newcomer - stop short - TV - relax for a few seconds - dash at newcomer - stop short - TV - relax for a few seconds. Etc etc. All their dashes were quite unritualized.  Silent. All or most of the dashes were not even accompanied by unritualized-looking G. All the TV's were also quite silent. More or less exactly like the TV drawn on the preceding page (the neck was always drawn back, but sometimes the head was horizontal - the angle of the back was also slightly variable, perhaps sometimes even more tilted than in the drawing on the preceding page).

This behavior indicates quite clearly that some or all TV's are [[underlined]] quite aggressive [[underlined]].

The newcomer being rushed at usually reacted by crouching. Sometimes the crouch appeared to be quite unritualized in form at other times, the crouch was definitely TVC. Between rushes and crouches the newcomer sometimes walked around a little.  At least once, the newcomer reacted to a rushly M by running away.  The newcomer remained silent throughout, during unritualized crouches, TVC's, walking, and running.
After about 6 silent rush - TV performances, M began to rush again & again, even more rapidly than before. Still stopping in TV between rushes.  [[underlined]] Most of their TV's were accompanied by DW's!! [[underlined]]