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  I'm leaving you these tapes; they're reported at 15"/sec., so on your tape records you'll only be able to hear them at 1/2 speed (which is useful to study the structure of a call) until you can get the machine adapted to 15"/sec (which I think you need for high frequencies). They can also, of course, be used to audiospectrographs. 

(1) Tanagridae:
              a red and black Euphonia recorded in second
    growth near Guayaquil, Ecuador, 31 January, 1962.
(2) Tanagridae:
              a similarly patterned yellow and dark blue
    Euphonia "chattering", recorded at the same time and 
    place. (So far as I know, this one does not have the
    harsh call of the other, but a clear "song" of 4 or 
    more notes, whistled. (pattern sketched at bottom of
(3) Thraupis palmarum - Panama, Rio Piedras, last field 
    before ford 20, Feb. 1962, call of one bird flying
(4) Thraupis episcopus. Panama, mouth of Rio Piedras, 22 
    Feb., 1962 - presunrise "singing" at 0620.
(5) Saltator maximus.  Panama, Rio Piedras; 24 Feb., 1962 - 
    fight and chases in bushes, 3 or possibly 4 birds.
(6) Ramphocelus icteronotus:  Panama, Rio Piedras (near
    mouth); 23 Feb., 1962. Calls of a male perched in a
    Poroporo shrub (Cochlospermum) at 0625.
(7) Saltator maximus - one of the birds from selection (5)
    calling at 0700, some time before the recording of
    selection (5).
(8)   ?   
    Canal Zone, B.C.I. Dawn song from edge of Clearing, top
    of a tall tree on W side near new Lab: we couldn't see
    the bird in 5 min of performance, then it flew farther
    into forest, sang from another tree briefly and
    disappeared. In flight a saltator-sized bird.  8 March
(9)   ?
    Panama, Rio Piedras, 2nd growth before gate to first
    pasture; 4 March, 1962 - unknown predawn song at 0601,
    possibly a Blue-black Grosbeak.
(10)Pitylus grossus (Slate-colored Grosbeak): C.Z., B.C.I.;
    10 March, 1962. Calling about 0800 from top of crown
    of a forest tree near the Clearing.
(11)Saltator atriceps: Panama, Rio Piedras beyond the ford;
    14 March, 1962.  Calling in a large fig about 0620.
(12)Tacypnonus rufous: Panama, Rio Piedras, brushy hillside
    near start; 18 March. Predawn calling of male perched
    conspicuously on top of a bush; calling with crown
    ruffled (when seen subsequently).
(13)Chlorospingus ophthalmicus, Panama, Cerro Punta; 30 
    March, 1962. 0700. 


Transcription Notes:
[Image at bottom of page} It says this tape is wound head-in (ie #13 is outermost)