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[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] May 29, 1960, II.

[[pink marking]]
This afternoon David had a good view of a [[male symbol]] and [[female symbol]] in a bush together.  Watched them for 10 minutes.  They just hopped bout, without performing any interesting overt reactions to one another.  The [[male symbol]] seemed quite erected.  Moving about rapidly.  Lots of exaggerated flicking movements.  Lots of "Tsit" CN's.  The [[female symbol]] was less active.  Performed less extreme flicking movements.  She also uttered CN's.  These were quite like the CN's of the [[male symbol]], but slightly lower in pitch.  Perhaps more like "Tsut" or "Soot".

This [[female symbol]] was almost certainly in the incubation phase of the breeding cycle!!
[[/pink marking]]

[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] I
May 30, 1960
Cerro Pichincha

[[pink marking]]
Twice this morning, I saw a [[male symbol]] of the small black species sing during a very high steep flight.  Looked like a ritualized flight performance.  The path of the flight was more or less comme ça:
[[image:  line drawing with arrows]]  
I think that the two flights I saw were performed by 2 different [[male symbol]]'s.  In both cases, the [[male symbol]] sang going up, and during the first part of the descent.  In both cases, the actual flight movements appeared to be quite unritualized in form.  The songs appeared to be quite similar to, or identical with, the songs uttered by perched [[male symbol]]'s. 

I couldn't see what provoked these flights, or what they led to.
[[/pink marking]]