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[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] July 29, 1960, I.

that the small black species is [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] and that the blue-spotted species is [[underlined]] lafresnayei. [[/underlined]]  The birhght blue species is probably [[underlined]] indigotica. [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] I.
October 8, 1960
Cerro Punta

I was watching a mixed flock just below the upper pasture today, when I saw a solitory [[male symbol]] Slatey Diglossa fly up and perch on a stump, about 3 feet from the ground (this was in a field covered by very low vegetation, so the [[male symbol]] was very exposed an conspicuous).  On this perch he sang repeatedly.  His posture during the singing appeared to be quite unritualized, but he did WF and TF, sometimes repeatedly, between each slong phrase.  The first 5 or 6 song phrases he uttered were "Zeee zeee zeee" (once "Zeee Zeee Zeee Zeee").  These were not divided into very obvious doublets.  Then he uttered about 4 song phrases which included both "Zee" notes and brief formless warbles.  Comme ca: "Zeee Zeee Zeee [[image: drawing of cadence]]"  In at last two of these latter phrases, the formless warble ended with 3 very brief descending notes.  More of less comme ça: "Zeee Zeee Zeee [[image: drawing of cadence]]"  These last 3 notes might possibly be transcribed by something like "Duh duh duh".  I think that this must be the most elaborate form of song of the species.  (Compare with my notes of Mar. 6, 1959, p.4).

After singing these phrases the [[male symbol]] just flew away.

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.