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[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] May 27, 1961, II

When he did approach the [[female symbol]], the reactions between the 2 birds were quite variable.

Sometimes the [[male symbol]] just flew into a bush near the [[female symbol]], or even the same bush as the one in which the [[female symbol]] was fading, and began to feed peacefully himself.  No "greeting" Display by either bird.  All that happened was that one or both birds occasionally uttered a few "Tsit" CN's as they continued feeding (probably no more "Tsit"s than they would have uttered if alone).

At other times, the [[male symbol]] would fly straight at the [[female symbol]], uttering R-Za za as he did so.  The [[female symbol]] usually retreated at this, but [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] very much.  The [[male symbol]] would then fly away immediately.  The X [[male symbol]], in other words, was too afraid of the [[female symbol]], or the [[female symbol]] was not sufficiently afraid of the [[male symbol]], to enable chasing to develop.

Every once in awhile, just as the [[male symbol]] flew at the [[female symbol]] with R-Za za, I would hear one or two faint HAC notes.

I think these HAC notes, and the HAC Notes uttered during the Z chasing performances, were usually or always uttered by the [[female symbol]]'s of the pairs.

The reactions of [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] to [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] are certainly reminiscent of the "pouncing" of [[?Embergnies]]!

Just before leaving this morning, I saw a particularly interesting series of reactions between the X birds.  They had both disappeared from my sight, and then re-appeared quite suddenly.  The [[female symbol[[ was hopping through the shrubbery, and the [[male symbol]] was following her.  Every once in a while the [[male symbol]] would hop particularly close to her (it looked [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] much as if he wanted to mount her).  The [[male symbol]] was silent throughout.  But the [[female symbol]] uttered nearly constant HAC's.  Definitely "WHAC"s.  "Whaāsh whaāsh whaāsh whaāsh ....."  Very buzzy.  Moderately loud.  Every time

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.