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[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] May 24, 1962, II

species singing at same time.  Overlap with latter is perfectly random manner.

6:10 a.m.  A [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] is now singing in tree where Diglossopis sing quite frequently.  They are about now.  And the [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] is singing from a perch which is much lower than the singing purchase usually selected by the Diglossopis when in the same tree.

Atacaso & Inãquito

Went up to Atacaso this afternoon.  Arrived 3:00 p.m.  Heavy mist & rain, so I didn't stay long.

Both [[underlined]] lafresnayei [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] sang quite a lot while I was there.  My impression was that the songs of the 2 species were not correlated in anyway.  Once, at least, a single [[male symbol]] of each species (quite far apart) sang songs simultaneously.  A couple of other times I heard phrases of the 2 species overlap.  I don't know if these reactions were coincidental or not.

I arrived at Mãquito, at the usual field, at 4:45, and stayed until 6:20.  During all that time, I didn't hear a single [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] song phrase, altho I did catch occasional glimpses of [[male symbol]]'s (see also today's notes on [[underlined]] Conirostrum. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] I
May 25, 1962

Working in usual place.  Arrive 5:28 a.m.  Very misty and cloudy

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.