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[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] May 25, 1962, IV.

[[blue and pink marking]]
When I arrive at the Conebill area, a Blue-spot is singing.  Shuts up.  Then a Conebill sings.  Shuts up.  Then another Blue-spot starts to sing!!! Shuts up.  Period of silence.  Then first Blue-spot starts to sing again.  All 3 birds are singing from stations rather far apart from one another, but the station of the Conebill is closer to that of one of the Blue-spots than the two stations of the Blue-spots are to each other.
[[/blue and pink marking]]

[[blue marking]]
I have seen several cases (involving at least 4 different birds) of [[male symbol]] Blue-spots chasing other [[male symbol]] Blue-spots in flight.  Always quite silent.
[[/blue marking]]

[[blue and pink marking]]
7:15 a.m.  Blue-spot sings.  Shuts up.  Then Conebill sings.  Shuts up.  Then sings again.  Shuts up.  Another Conebill sings.  Shuts up.  Then another Blue-spot sings.  Shuts up.  Then a third Blue-spot sings!  Then shuts up.  Then first Conebill sings again.  Shuts up.  Then a (fourth?) Blue-spot sings.  Shuts up.  Then another Blue-spot sings.  Then first Conebill.  Then a Blue-spot!!!

This segregation of songs seems to be almost too good to be true!
[[/blue and pink marking]]

[[red 'C' marking]]
7:30 a.m.  Hear burst of "Zeewee zeewee zeewee zeewee" song, exactly like the song I thought was uttered by [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] at dawn this morning, but this time I can see it is uttered by Conebill.
[[/red 'C' marking]]

[[blue and pink marking]]
Then Blue-spot sings.  Then Conebill sings again.
[[/blue and pink marking]]

[[red 'C' marking]]
I think the 2 Conebills have may be rival [[male symbol]]'s.  I have seen several chases which may have been hostile.  Difficult to tell exactly what is going on, as birds are usually obscured by vegetation.
[[/red 'C' marking]]

[[blue marking]]
7:40.  Several more cases of Blue-spots beginning to sing when I appear.
[[/blue marking]]