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[[underlined]] Coereba, [/underlined]] Mar. 2, 1960, II.

circumstances, except that they were higher in pitch and almost "bell-like" in tone (also louder than any "Peeps" we have been hearing since the first few days of recording A).

Then, when I tried to extract A from the nest, it struggled violently uttering "Peeps" all the while.  I [[underlined]] think [/underlined]] these "Peeps" were exactly the same as those it had just uttered while FB.

When we got A into the lab to record, however, there seemed to be an appreciable difference between the FB "Peeps" and "pure distress Peeps" in actual sound.  It only FB'd, into the microphone, once.  This was accompanied by the loud and high "Peeping" I heard while it was in the nest.  During the recording, we realized that the individual FB "Peeps" are almost bisyllabic.)

During the recording session, A also uttered a lot of "Peeps" which seemed to be provoked by "pure distress", [[underlined]] i.e. [/underlined]] handling.  These sounded very much like the FB "Peeps", but were always or almost always much softer (probably also less high pitched and less bisyllabic).  It is possible that the difference between FB and pure distress "Peeps", in sound, at the present time, is still purely one of intensity.

But the movements and postures accompanying pure distress "Peeps" are now quite different from the movements and postures accompanying FB "Peeps".  The neck is not stretched upward during the pure distress notes.  More important, the bill opens & closes with each pure distress note.  This latter feature is a big difference from earlier behavior.

A still does SG as before.  This is pretty obviously a pure distress pattern still.  A tends to perform SG's after pure distress "Peeps" have stopped.  The SG now [[underlined]] looks exactly [/underlined]] like "silent pure distress Peeping".

It is interesting that the bill movements which are now combined 

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.