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[[underlined]] Coereba, [/underlined]] Mar. 2, 1960, III.

with pure distress Peeping developed independently some time before they became associated with the Peeping.

A may still be doing a little C, but it is now at least very faint and irregular.  Difficult to distinguish from miscellaneous background noise.

I didn't see any trace of V or SS today (not even when I peeked into the nest before removing A.)

[[underlined]] Coereba, [/underlined]] I
March 5, 1960
Barro Colorado

Took A out of the nest again around 8:30 a.m.  Tested and recorded it.  It is much better developed now.  Eyes open.  Yellow feathers out of sheathes underneath.

Surprisingly enough, however, its behavior ([[underlined]] i.e. [/underlined]] its social signals) seem to have remained essentially the same as before.

It still does a lot of SG when moderately distressed by handling.  It also still utters a lot of "pure distress" Peeping when handled.  Some of the "pure distress" Peeping today was accompanied by opening & closing of the bill (as on Mar. 2);  but most of it was uttered with the bill absolutely closed throughout (as before Mar. 2).  This is rather remarkable!  I am beginning to think that the causal difference between SG & Peeping is not purely intensity.  A uttered quite a lot of "pure distress" Peeping today as it appeared to relax in my hand after being handled rather roughly.  It is possible, therefore, that the SG contains a relatively stronger escape component than the "pure distress" Peeping;  or that the SG contains [[underlined]] both [/underlined]] escape and attack components which are absent in Peeping.  (The latter alternative may be supported by the fact that it is always Peeping and never SG which is used 

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.