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[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] I
May 25, 1960
Cerro Pichincha & Ca. de Iñaquito

We have seen quite a few Conebills, of one species, today.

(This species was eventually found to be [[underlined]] fraseri. [[/underlined]]  See notes of July 23, 1960 below [[underlined]] fraseri [[/underlined]] = [[color code: Black overstruck Xs]]

The birds we watched this morning, on Pichincha, were moving about in hedges, in the same general area where we have watched many other species.  Very active, restless, and rapid.  Impossible to watch for more than a few seconds at a time.

The birds we watched this afternoon, near Iñaquito, were moving about along the edge of an Eucalyptus plantation, usually in quite low bushes.

This is certainly a thicket-loving species.

When apparently quite relaxed, the species looks like this.

[[image:  colored drawing of bird]]  Dark Crown.  Grayish back.  White superciliary & wing-patels.  Caramel colored chin & breast.  Quite reminiscent of the Bananaquit in general effect.

All the birds we have watched have uttered lots of CN's when moving.  Sometimes single.  More often in more or less long series.  The longest series given during long flights.  A single CN might be transcribed by anything from "Tsit" to "Zee".