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[[underlined]] Conirostrum [[/underlined]], June 2, 1960, I. [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]

who seemed to be feeding at the base of the white trumpet-shaped flowers which are so common here. These flowers are great favorites of both the diglossa and [[diglossopres?]] here; and [[underlined]] it certainly looked as if these Conebills were feeling in exactly the same manner as diglossa and [[diglonopses?]] [[/underlined]] !!
I watched one bird singing a "tiy-tsee weeyoo" type of song in posture [[?]] see:
[[image - sketch of sitting bird]] Head looking particularly flat. Body looking large.

I also watched a couple of apparently hostile aerial chases - involving 2 birds. One or both birds certainly uttered "Zreee Zreee Zreee Zreee Zreee...." notes during our chase. I think that one bird uttered "Zreeeeeeeeee Zaza" during the other chase. Just like the R. Zaza of [[underlined]] Diglossa aterrenia. 

Conirostrum [[/underlined]], I. July 23, 1960

After looking at the skins in the collection here, I am now certain that all the Conebills we saw in Ecuador were [[underlined] fraseri. [[/underlined]]
So the 2 types of rougs we heard uttered by the Conebills must be qualitatively different. I think that the more uniform typr rougs, the Zee Zee Zee Zee.." and "Duh duh duh duh duh [[underlined]] dah [[/underlined]] ...." rougs, must have been largely on completely hostile, while the less uniform