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[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] May 19, 1962, II.

group both times or not.

This afternoon I was close enough to the group to hear some of their notes.  Uttering lots of CN's.  Usually "Tsit"s.  Once a bird uttered a long "Seeeeeeet" as it flew in to join its companions.  PN?

[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] I
May 20, 1962

Caught a few glimpses of a pair of conebills here.  In usual place.

As usual, the birds here looked relatively dull underneath.  One of the birds uttered a few song phrases.  Usual type for here.  Very rapid and warbling or twittering.  I am not sure that I can distinguish between such songs and some songs of [[underlined]] D. aterrima. [[/underlined]]

Could I possibly be seeing 2 sibling species of conebills in various areas around Quito???

[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] I
May 22, 1962

Working slightly above [[?Hoa]] this morning.

Came across a pair of Conebills feeding in thickets along a ravine.  Often became separated from one another.  Then, whenever they rejoin one another, one or both burst(s) into "greeting song".  Usually an absolutely formless twitter.  Once included a "sreeeeeeee" and several "zee-wee zee-wee ..." doublets.  More strongly hostile than usual?