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[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] May 22, 1962, II.

These birds looked moderately bright underneath.

One of the birds frequently perched in bush near me.  Obviously nervous.  Silent.  Lots of irregular bowing.  Neck not stretched at all.  No CR.  Lots of TF's.  All primarily lateral.  Vertical component, when present, D-V.  WF's rare or at least inconspicuous correlated with TF's.

Working near Nono this afternoon.

5:35 p.m.  See a single Conebill feeding in a tree.  The first time I have ever seen a single bird of this species.  Quite silent except for 2 "Tsit" CN's.

[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] I
May 23, 1962

Working near Nono this morning.

7:58 a.m.  The same single Conebill I watched yesterday afternoon has been around in same area all morning.  Has sung from time to time, but not (I think) very frequently.  All the songs I have paid attention to have been very fast, twittering, and long.  Might be transcribed by something like "Zewazewazewazewazewazewazewa".

[[underlined]] Conirostrum, [[/underlined]] I.
May 24, 1962

I have been thinking about the territorial behavior (or home range) of the local species.  All or most of the pairs of the local species seem to have larger territories or home ranges than the Diglossa spp.  This may be a resemblance to Diglossopis.  The Conebills, in particular