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July 16, 1974

Same place as day before yesterday.  Polylepis.  Oreomanes.  Fog just lifting 7:55 a.m. 

Andean Sparrows, thrush, flycatchers where flock used to be.  But flock apparently not here now.

CORRECTION:  Some or all of the birds that I called [[underline]] bonariensis [[/underline]] the day before yesterday are really the common highland Gray and Yellow Fuicles ([[underline]] gayi [[/underline]] ???)  Species is common here

9:15 am. Drove along road to look at other small patches of Polylepis

Little boys with slingshots.

10:05 "Hedge" large Polylepis edge town.  Single cc feeding 6-8 ft up.  Very tit - or nuthatch - like.  Probing in bark.  Sometimes upside down.  Active.  Uttering CN's.  Apparently essentially alone; although there certainly are a variety of finches and perhaps flycatchers not far away in same hedge. [[marginalia]] Town = Ayapita [[/marginalia]]

CC flies away.  Apparently by itself. 

Then bark.  Gleaning leaves as well as probing bark. 

Hear what sounds the Greeting Twitter.  Are there 2 [[?cu'ds]] here??

Then CC(S) disappear(s) again.

Back to Quisha 11:00 a.m.
Stop 11:20 a.m.

NOTE:  Altimeter reads 13,730 along road back to town.