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August 21, 1974

Arrive town 7:15 am.  Cloudy.  Cool.  Altitude ca. 8600 ft.

7:40.  Garden outskirts town.  See pair CC's low in scrub in garden.  Quiet and alone. Fly away

A few minutes later, see single Brun feeding in Eucalypt.  Visiting (white) flowers.  20 ft up.  Silent.  Alone.  Flies away over area where CC's were earlier.  Brun back to same Eucalypt flowers a few minutes later.  Still alone.

Ther is a medium sized [[female symbol]] hummingbird feeding on other flowers same Eucalypt 30 ft away.  She and the Brun seem to ignore one another.

7:55.  Suddenly there is a fight between the Brun and the [[female symbol]] hummingbird.  Both fly off.  In opposite directions

NOTE: There is cactus and maguey here.  Area cannot be extremely humid.

8:05.  Still watching same tree.  Same presumed [[female symbol]] hummingbird feeding Eucalypt flowers.  [[underlined]] Brun flies in from far away [[/underlined]] to attack hummingbird directly.  Definitely very aggressive.  Hummingbird flies away.  Brun stays behind.  Preens.

NOTE:  It is just possible that this hummingbird is a [[underline]] Colibri [[/underline]]. 

There is also a brownish hummingbird in this tree from time to time

Walk further along path.  Grove of Eucalypts.  Some in

Transcription Notes:
Presume "Brun" means diglossi brunneiventris