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[[stamp]] F C Lehmann V
Apartedo Nal. No. 680
Cali - Colombia - S. Am.
Cables: CABLEHMANN [[/stamp]]

Cali. Dec. 7th. 1962

Dr. Martin H. Moynihan
Resident Naturalist
Smithsonian Institution
Drawer C
Balboa, Canal Zone

Dear Dr. Moynihan:

Excuse me for not answering your two interesting letters earlier, but I have been away in Bogota for sometime attending National Congress on Agriculture, and talking to the President and other government officials, and lecturing at Universidad Tadeo Lozano, and to some private groups.  Now I am back in Cali.

Your description of the [[underlined]] Chlorospingus [[/underlined]] seen at Mares last day coincides with that of [[underlined]] C. ophthalmicus, [[/underlined]] the race [[underlined]] nigriceps [[/underlined]] has been collected on e E. slope of the W. Andes at their northern end, but also in the Central Andes on both slopes as far south as La Candela.  Another [[underlined]] Chlorospingus [[/underlined]] that is similarly colored and is found in that area is [[underlined]] C. canigularis conspicillatus, [[/underlined]] this one has throat and middle of belly pure grayish-white; under wing-coverts white.  If it would be [[underlined]] C. o. nigriceps, [[/underlined]] it would be a quite interesting extension of its range to the south, in the W. Andes. 

The other bird seems to be [[underlined]] Chlorophanes spiza subtropicalis [[/underlined]] from your description.  This one has the lower mandible yellow, the black cap and other details as you describe it. *

I hope this may be of help to you. If there is some else in which you think I may be of help to you, you are welcome to call on me.

The interesting papers which you sent arrived safely yesterday. Please accept my most sincere thanks for them, these will be very helpful for my own work. Wish I had more time now to devote to bird ecology, behavior and biology.

I wish also to thank you very much for the information given, and hope you have had not much trouble in getting it for me. Dr. Kokernot brought a viewer-editor from the Sates for me, so I don't need to troble you with that now. May be I will be able to order the titler from the States later on.  Thank you for sending the Screen, which I hope will arrive someday here.  Did you sent it via air mail or regular mail?.  To this moment I have had no news from the air mail on this matter.

Hope you can make your next trip to Cali as planned, please keep me informed.  I am sending under separate cover and in your care, a letter for Mr. E. Eisenmann, who is now in Panama - his home-town, but as I don't have his address, I hope you can help in getting that letter to him.  Excuse me for bothering you so much.

With kindest personal regards and Greetings for Chrismas and the New Year, 

Your friend,
[[signature]] Carlos [[/signature]]
F. C. Lehmann V.

* Another bird found in that area but with more yellow on the head is [[underlined]] [[?Chlorocrisoa]] nitilissimina [[/underlined]].