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Western Cordellera Columbia 

Mixed Diglossini 
Nr Antioquia

October 29, 1962
Boqueron de Tollo
Western Andes

4:30 pm. 6700 ft. Region of thick, low, dry-looking scrub. 

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] Hear many Albi songs.  Long.  No special terminal or preliminary notes.  Also catch one brief glimpse of bird flitting thru bushes.  Bird usually keeps well hidden while singing.
Near another Albi 7300 ft.

October 30, 1962

Arrive same place as yesterday afternoon (6700 ft.) 5:20 am Still fairly dark.

[[margin]] Albi? Bari [[/margin]]  Hear songs that may be by [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] 5:30 am. Might be transcribed as "Duh duh duh zreeeeee yoo."  Also an occasional Albi song. Inserted in pause of [[underlined]] "carbonaria" [[/underlined]] songs.

If there are really [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]], the birds are surprisingly common here.

Also hear several more Albis singing occasionally. Alternating quite well with [[underlined]] "carbonarias" [[/underlined]].  Only occasionally very slight overlaps

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] Some [[underlined]] "carbonaria" [[/underlined]] songs might be transcribed as "Zee zee zee z [[underlined]] reeeeeeeee [[/underlined]] za-ya"

[[underlined]] "carbonarias" [[/underlined]] about given up 5.45 Just as it is starting to get light!!  Albis continuing.

6:00 am  I have a nasty feeling that the [[underlined]] "carbonaria" [[/underlined]] songs heard this morning were uttered by an [[underlined]] Atlapetes [[/underlined]].  At least, I can hear