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Mixed Diglossini, Oct. 30, 1962, IV.  (4)

ca 7600 ft.

Arrive same place (road, 6700 ft) 3:45 pm.

^[[Bari]] Hear and see [[male symbol]] Bari singing. Much as this morning, except that R component sometimes less conspicuous (a pure "Sreeeeeee" or a "Sreeeeeeee" with very slight rattle undertone being substituted for the more extreme R). This bird [[underlined]] also [[/underlined]] does a lot of preening between song phrases; over shoulder, to back & rump, also forward to breast & belly  Both back and underparts [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] fluffed, wings slightly drooped. Bird remains in this position or posture during as well as between song phrases. This is almost certainly not the same bird I observed singing and preening this morning. Bird perched about 2 ft off ground in low, thick, uncovered vegetation.

^[[ [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] Bari]] The songs of this form are really quite incredibly reminiscent of [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]]!

^[[Bari]] Some of the song phrases of this bird appeared to include more notes than the songs transcribed this morning. Increasing the resemblance to [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]].

 These birds, incidentally, have the throat & chin buffy, as well as the breast & belly.

^[[Gen Bari]] Thinking over this morning's observations, I should mention that this is by far the most extreme concentration of Baris I have ever seen. But the population [[underlined]] seems [[/underlined]] to be far less crowded than [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] and [[Laf?]] populations at their peaks.

I have yet to see a [[female symbol]] Bari here. Incubating?

^[[Albi]] 4:40 pm. A single [[male symbol]] Albi hops thru bushes near me, and then flies across road. White side feathers apparently sticking out horizontally  Display? (I might add that the white side feathers of the bird 

Transcription Notes:
Moved "-ts" to end of previous page, per hyphenation rule.