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Western Cordillera Colombia  (9)

Mixed Diglossini
April 29, 1965

Arrive at the Lehmann's Finca ca 4:30 p.m.  Just as the rain starts to come down.  There is a nice small garden behind the house.  Full of Fuchsias, roses, etc., with some Abus and chorrillos.  7800 ft according to my altimeter (which [[underlined]] does [[/underlined]] seem to be working).  Just under 2400 m. according to Vern Lee's altimeter.

^[[Scan]]  There are quite a number of hummingbirds feeding in the garden.  Including at least two or three Scans.  Fighting among themselves.  Feeding on Fuchsias and Abus

It is rather surprising, therefore, that I have not yet (5:55 p.m.) seen any Diglossini in the garden.  I am sure that there must be some around.  But presumably they are discouraged by the rain, and are remaining under cover.

^[[Gen]]  This would suggest that hummingbirds have at least one great advantage over Diglossas.  I.E. they can feed (at least on nectar) in weather which inhibits Diglossas.

April 30, 1965

Starting to get light 5:30 a.m.  It rained like hell last night and there is still some drizzle.  Working in garden by house.

Dawn Songs ca. 5:35.  Mostly Andean Sparrows

^[[Scan]]  Sounds first Scan dispute 5:45 a.m.  Still a little too dark to see well.