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Mixed Diglossini, May 6, 1965, IV

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] no contacts between the Scans at the top of the mountain and the other species.  But I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] than Scan Territories must overlap the territories of the others.  Possibly they ignore, and are ignored by, the [[underlined]] Conirostrum [[/underlined]] species (and all other species in mixed flocks?).  Possibly they do not come into contact with Cys because the latter are essentially non-nectarivorous here???  But what do they do about Albis??????

May 7, 1965

see today's notes on general mixed flocks
(Albis, Scans, [[underlined]] Caer. [[/underlined]].)

[[margin]] Scan Gen Albi [[/margin]]  As far as any observations go (I think), the Scans near the top of the mountain are segregated, microgeographically, from the Diglossa species.   But Scans seem to be so rare here, and the Diglossas (at least Albis) so difficult to see, that it is difficult to be sure about this.

[[margin]] Albi Scan [[/margin]]  In any case, there is not much chance of contact between Albis and Scans in the Alpine Scrub zone.  Albis tend to stay inside scrub, while Scans seem to be birds of more open spaces.

[[margin]] Albi Caer Cy [[/margin]]  The relations between Albis and Caers at the top of the mountain here may be similar to those among Diglossini in the Sierra de Mérida.  The relations between Caers and Cys maybe similar to those among Diglossini near Quito.