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Mixed Diglossini, May 27, 1965, II.  (26)

distinguish individual patterns.  But, as far as I can tell, the chorus does not include either Slate-throats or Diglossini.

^[[Cy]] Hear first Cy Songs 5:38 a.m.  Songs coming from same place as yesterday.  Each phrase composed 2-4 "Tsit" Intro Notes followed by long rapid Twitter.  No other Diglossine or Whitestart audible at the time.  The bird utters a [[underlined]] lot [[/underlined]] of phrases in rapid succession.

It is partly cloudy now, but it looks as if sun may come out.

^[[Cy 43]]  Cy obviously singing high in tall mature tree.  Apparently 30-40 ft up.  Still going strong 5:44.  Now, 5:45, there seem to be 2 ^[[W]] Cys singing.  Both in tall trees.  Probably 100 ft apart.  Both uttering similar phrases (as before).  Apparently [[underlined]] alternating [[/underlined]] phrases.  Little or no overlap.  Then shut up.

^[[Cy]]  [[underlined]] Immediately, [[/underlined]] I hear what sounds like Yellow-faced Whitestart in distance.  Then 1 Cy starts Singing again.  Presumed Yellow-face continues.  [[underlined]] Several partial or complete overlaps. [[/underlined]]  Presumed Yellow-face shuts up.  Both Cys resume Singing.  Some overlaps between Songs different Cys 5:47.  Cys shut up.  Presumed Yellow-face Sings again.  (Actually, I am quite [[underlined]] certain [[/underlined]] that this "presumed" Yellow-face really is a Yellow-face.  Songs brief but [[underlined]] quite [[/underlined]] typical of the species.)

^[[Cy]]  Yellow-face shuts up.  Cys Sing again.  Actually, there may be at least 3 Cys in this area.  Yellow-face sings again.  Partial overlap.  Yellow-face shuts up.  Cys continue.  Cys shut up.  [[underlined]] Slate-throat [[/underlined]] Sings.  Shuts up.  Yellow-face Sings.  Shuts up.  Cy Sings.  Yellow face starts again.  Partial overlap.  Yellow-face shuts up.  Cys continue Singing.

^[[Cy]]  This sort of thing repeated frequently during next few minutes.  There obviously is [[underlined]] some [[/underlined]] tendency for Cy and Yellow-face to avoid overlapping Songs.  But at least one Yellow-face sometimes seems to be "stimulated" by sound