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Mixed Diglossini
July 24, 1965
Valley Rio Urrao

Going way up to hill this morning.  Reach approx. 10,700 ft level 5:25 a.m.  (Area of highest Brun seen yesterday).  Just as first, miscellaneous, Bird noises begin.  Also just as fog starts to come in.  But fog is patchy and not too thick.  Still quite dark.  Cold.  Almost no wind.

Then I go downhill a little.  To area where I know there are Gloriss's on both side of road (altho not close) and where I saw the problematical individual yesterday which I said was probably Gloriss, but which I now think was probably Brun.

My altimeter at this place reads 10,700+, now, but it read somewhat less yesterday.

Thrush songs in full swing by 5:38 a.m.  Thrushes here probably are breeding.  Fog also lifting.  All sorts of things singing by 5:45.  But still no diglossines.

First Atlapetes Whistle Songs heard 5:54 a.m.  In distance.  Presumably PL.  Bird is singing fairly steadily.

Still no diglossini here 6:02 a.m.  Atlapetes seems to have stopped singing.  But many other things continuing full blast. 

[[margin]] Gloriss [[/margin]]  Then hear what may be one brief snatch of Gloriss song 6:04.  Then some more.  In distance.  All quite brief phrases.  Then the bird shuts up.  Then hear 1 brief Yellow-faced Whitestart song [[underlined]] far [[/underlined]] down road.  Then another brief phrase which may be Gloriss.  Then silence.  Then more Gloriss song 6:08.  Identification of this song quite definite.  But it is far away.  No other diglossine, whitestart or Atlapetes ("NO