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Mixed Diglossini, July 24, 1965, IX (53)

[[margin]] Brun Gloriss [[/margin]] Range of Brun as a "species", completely overlaps that of Gloriss. At high altitudes, the two species also seem to have identical habitat preferences. But the territories of particular indivicuals of the two species [[underline]] apparently do not overlap [[/underline]]. I have seen no signs of overt hostility between the two species. But I don't see how the segregation of territories could have originated without hostility As mentioned above, there may be some mutual inhibition of Song. At least, Songs of Gloriss seem to inhibit Brun

July 25, 1965
Valley Rio Urrao

Going to work in forest at approximate level of Tucia this morning. (8975 ft according to my altimeter now.) Arrive 5:40 am. both Andean Sparrows and Thrushes in full Song. Clear. Cool. Occasional gusts of strong wind.

Hear fruit diglossini-type Twitter downhill, in trees, 5:44. No Infro Notes. No R. But fairly long and rapid. Cy ???? Bird Sings phrase after phrase. NODWA Phrases could be transcribed as "Tazee tazee tazee tazee tazee ..." [[underline]] cyanocephala [/underline]] ???

5:53 Hear a few soft R's in nearby scrub. Albi??? Partly overlapping the enigmatic Twitters. When R's stop Twitters continue
I think these Twitters [[underline]] must [[/underline]] be [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]].

Hear fruit Yellow-face Songs 6:00 am. [[underline]] Slightly [[/underline]] overlapping preceeded [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]] Twitters. Only a couple of phrases. Then Yellow-face and presumed [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline alternate phrases [[underline]] without overlap [[/underline]]! When Yellow-face shuts up. Pressumed [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]] continues.

Transcription Notes:
vocal." recorded on previous page.