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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 10, 1965, I   (63)

"La Palma". A little mountain or foothill on the southern flank of Munchique tulf. 

Arrive 5:15 am! Pitch black! Finally starting to get light 5:45. Heavy cloud. Occasional drops of rain. Warm. Little or no wind. 

This particular ute is 8350 ft, 2540 m. It is certainly on the western side, [[underlined]] more or less [[/underlined]]. Difficult to tell exactly, because of clouds. Probably SW. 

^[[White throat Gen Black]] 6:35 am. Light rain. See Yellowbellies and Blue & Oranges. Possibly associated. SEE ALSO TODAY'S NOTES ON GENERAL MIXED FLOCKS. Then see single White-throated Hummingbird, feeding on lavender pink [[underlined]] Passiflora [[/underlined]] flowers (usual montane shape) 15-20 ft up in scrub. [[underlined]] Definitely putting bill to bases of long tubular corollas. I.E. definitely using Diglossa holes. [[/underlined]] Then a Black Diglossa suddenly appears in Passiflora vine, 2-3 ft from the Whitethroat. [[underlined]] This looked like Ater [[/underlined]] (altho I can't be absolutely sure, as I was very far away). Then both birds disappear. 

^[[Violet throat 8]] A few minutes later, a single Violet-throat Hummingbird suddenly appears in same Passiflora vine. Feeds on flowers. [[underlined]] Also puts bill to base long tubular corollas, i.e. also using Diglossa holes!!!! [[/underlined]] Then White^[[checkmark]]throat (re)appears. [[underlined]] Attacks Violet-throat. [[/underlined]] Both birds fly off and disappear. White-throat apparently in pursuit of the Violet-throat. 

^[[Gen]] During next 10 minutes, a Violet-throat (re)appears twice in same Passiflora vine. [[underlined]] Each time, it is violently attacked by Violet^[[White]]-throat! And each time, the Violet^[[White]]-throat apparently succeeds in driving it away!!! [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
- not certain how to denote the margin text so put it at the top - not sure how to denote the faded "white" above "violet" (twice) in the last paragraph Moved "-ed" to end of previous page, per hyphenation rule.