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Mixed Diglossini, May 10, 1965, IV.  (13)

^[[Cy Laf Ater 135]] 7:31 am. Single ^[[Checkmark]] Cy, alone, flies out of exact same bush where Ater seen yesterday, and into bush where Laf seen today.

7:40. See wren in bush. Alone. I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] this is the bird which has been giving the faint, thin, high pitched twitters without Intro Notes (or R) that I have been hearing from time to time. Very ventriloquial. 

^[[Laf 136]] Single Laf ^[[checkmark]] suddenly flies in to join wren in bush. Immediately flies away again. Did the Laf (also) think the wren's twitters might be Diglossini in origin?

^[[Cy Laf]] Going up hill 7:47. Hear Cy singing in distance. Shuts up. Then Laf sings. No overlap. Then Lafs shut up.

^[[Laf 137]] 7:58. See another single ^[[checkmark]] Laf. Silent. Alone. Feeding dark red cup shaped flowers small bush sparse second growth scrub.

^[[Ater 139 Cy 140]] 8:01. Good heavens!. See another bush same species plant about 100 ft away. Much bigger. Region sparse scattered second growth scrub. In this tree, feeding on flowers are 1 ^[[checkmark]] adult Ater, 1 ^[[checkmark]] juv. Cy (complete mask but dull blue). No more than [[underlined]] 6" apart [[/underlined]] (if that). Absolutely no sign of hostility between the 2 birds. And, in same bush, only 2 ft away, is a [[underlined]] ^[[checkmark]] juv. Ater! [[/underlined]] (All identifications definite.) Also feeding flowers. Then the adult Ater starts to chase and supplant juv. Ater. Again & again & again  The 2 Aters [[underlined]] repeatedly [[/underlined]] pass [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] close to the Cy. Without paying any attention to it. Or it to them. Eventually the 2 Aters fly off into adjacent bushes, still chasing and supplanting. All chases and supplants [[underlined]] quite silent [[/underlined]]! Cy does not follow them. Eventually flies off in different direction.

^[[Ater Cy 141]] When I look back a few minutes later, I see an [[underlined]] ^[[checkmark]] adult [[/underlined]] Cy and the same 2 Aters feeding on flowers same bush! All within a few inches of