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Mixed Diglossini, May 10, 1965, IX. (19)

^[[Cinn VIII Gen]] (It is conceivable that Cinnamons merely compete with Diglossini for nectar from the same flowers, while Green VIII's may actually "parasitize" the Diglossini- using the holes the latter make in corollas)

I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] that the Yellow-faced Whitestarts come into contact, i.e. face to face, with Diglossini only "randomly". Neither the Whitestarts nor the Diglossini seem to make special attempts to either join or to avoid one another.

See this afternoon's notes on mixed flocks for BQ, Scan, and (possibly) CC near Popayán itself

May 11, 1965
Region of Puracé

Arrive same place as yesterday morning 5:37 am. Just starting to get light. Sky about 3/4 overcast. Cold.

^[[Albi??]] 5:48. Hear what sound like Atlapetes Whistle Songs. No Diglossini or Whitestarts Singing at the time. Then hear a couple of R's which might be by Albi (same general area where Ater and CC first seen, and where Laf and Cy also occur). Overlapping Atlapetes completely. Then bird uttering R's shuts up. Atlapetes continues.

^[[Laf Laf]] Atlapetes starts to stop. Songs coming in irregular bursts. Then hear first Whitestart Songs. Partial overlaps with Atlapetes 5:52 am  Then Whitestart Sings again. This seems to [[underlined]] stimulate [[/underlined]] Laf to Sing!!! Wide overlap Whitestart and Laf. Both overlapping Atlapetes! Both Laf and Whitestart shut up. Atlapetes continues. Atlapetes stops. Whitestart Sings Stops. Laf Sings. Stops. No overlap at all in these last phrases