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Mixed Diglossini, May 16, 1965, III. (33) 

^[[Cinn Cy]] Notes. A Cinnamon comes and perches in another bush, 10 ft away, but does not attack and eventually flies away.


^[[Cinn Ater 176]] (Again) see Cinnamon swoop at single Sooty Thrush going from bush to bush. Thrushes perches. Cinnamon perches 5 ft away. Single Ater ^[[checkmark]] j ---> thrush - Cinnamon group. Then all 3 fly away in different directions.

^[[177 Ater ?]] 7:59. Hear what sounds like Ater Song without R in area where Ater and Laf territories apparently overlap partially. Then see 1 ^[[checkmark]] Black Diglossa repeatedly supplant another in scrub. Presumed Ater Songs continue for a few seconds. Then stop. All birds out of sight. More inter-specific hostility???

^[[Laf]] A few seconds later Laf Sings not far away. No other diglossine or Whitestart audible. Continues for a long time. Then see bird. In small tree, 8 ft up. Apparently alone.

^[[Laf]] 8:18. Going uphill. Lafs and Whitestarts still Singing occasionally Without overlaps.

^[[Laf 178 Cinn]] 8:20. Laf ^[[checkmark]] Singing near top small tree. About 15 ft up. A Cinnamon flies in and Swoops at Laf repeatedly. After 3rd Swoop, Laf shuts up. Retreats several inches downward, further into leaves. Apparently to get more cover as protection against Cinnamon. Starts to feed. Then, every time Laf hops from one perch to another, the Cinnamon buzzes in to attack. This occurs 5 or 6 times. Once, I think Cinnamon made actual physical contact!!! After about a minute, Laf flies away. Down into low thick scrub. Cinnamon does not follow.

^[[Cinn Gen]]

The presence of Cinnamons here must make the area [[underlined]] much [[/underlined]] less optimal for Diglossini than it would otherwise be! Cinnamons not only take same food as Diglossas; but they can also force them to retreat [[underlined]] and [[/underlined]] prevent them