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Mixed Diglossini, July 17, 1965, II.  (68)

^[[Coer Albi?]] Then hear more Coer type Songs distance. Also 1 Albi-type R. Non-overlapping.

There are some small tubular pink flowers around here which look suitable for Diglossas - but I have yet to see them visited

^[[Coer]] 6:43. Coer still singing in distahce. Overlapping hummingbirds but nothing else.

^[[Albi 30]] 6:45. A few feet further along road, single [[male symbol]] ^[[checkmark]] Albi flies from one side of road to the other. Silent and alone. Vegetation here essentially identical with that of areas where Coer seen.

^[[31]] Then see single [[underlined]] Atlapetes ^[[checkmark]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] same type scrub, 50 ft further on. Alone. Utters a couple of PN-type Notes.

^[[Coer]] 6:55. Hear more Coer Songs in distance. Again, overlapping hummingbirds but nothing else.

^[[Coer]] I am not sure that there is more than 1 Coer in this whole area. If there is only 1, it has an enormous range or territory.

Everything but hummingbirds silent 7:02 am.

^[[Colibri?]] Further along road, same type vegetation, hear and see what appear to be [[underlined]] Colibri [[/underlined]] displays. Species not identified.

Also see lots and lots of single Sooty Thrushes, and pairs, quite alone, from time to time

Drive along road to another area, a mile or so away. Vegetation similar, but some taller native trees around.

Hear what may be whitestart in distance. Presumably White faced or White-spectacled or related type. Laf-like Songs. No diglossine audible or visible at the time.

Then everything [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] quiet.

^[[33]] 7:30 Flush a pair of [[underlined]]Basileuterus[[/underlined]]-types ^[[checkmark]] from low bamboo