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Mixed Diglossini, July 27, 1965, VI  (79)

^[[Albi MSGH 75 Cy]] 8:15 am. [[female symbol]] Albi ^[[checkmark]] back. Feeds on purple flowers 10ft up. Then medium small green hummingbird appears. Flies to same bush as [[female symbol]] Albi  Starts to feed on flowers. Immediately, the      [[female symbol]] Albi [[underlined]] supplants [[/underlined]] the hummingbird. Both birds quite silent. Hummingbird retreats. Then flies back toward same bush with purple flowers. Just about this time, Cy(s) begin to Sing again. About 20-30 ft away. And [[female symbol]] Albi just disappears. Presumably moves off. Hummingbird stays around for a few seconds. Then also disappears. [[underlined]] Cys shut up. [[/underlined]] ([[underlined]] Are [[/underlined]] some of these Cy Songs provoked by presence other species????)

^[[Cy Scan]]  All these Cy Songs were completely overlapped by Scan "chuk" Songs in distance.

^[[Albi]] 8:27 am. [[male symbol]] Albi back for brief visit. Feeding on purple flowers 8-10 ft up. Quite silent.

Albis here certainly do not seem to be in breeding (or at least courtship) mood now!

^[[Albi MSGH]] Then medium-small green hummingbird back. Flies around near [[male symbol]] Albi. Perhaps 5 ft away. [[underlined]] [[male symbol]] Albi seems to ignore it. [[/underlined]] But hummingbird flies away after only a few seconds. [[male symbol]] Albi remains for some minutes. Feeding purple flowers 3-6 ft up. Then also disappears.

^[[Scan]] Scans still Singing 8:38 am.

^[[Albi 76]] ^[[checkmark]] [[male symbol]] Albi back again a few minutes later. Alone and still silent  Feeding purple flowers usual bushes.

^[[Albi Cy]] The way in which the [[male symbol]] Albi keeps reappearing at frequent intervals would suggest that its territory must be rather small. The fact that the Cys appear less frequently would suggest that their territory is larger than that of the [[male symbol]] Albi.