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Central Cordillera Colombia  

Mixed Deglossini, I.       

August 14, 1965

Going to work eastern side mountain. Region of thick but not very high second growth, with occasional patches "semi-bog." 9150 ft 2810 m. Arrive 5:50 am. Partly cloudy. Little wind.


[[left margin]] 
[[/left margin]] 

Comment. 6:55 AM. There certainly were both Lofs and Cys in this area a couple of months ago. But I have yet to see or hear a trace of either this morning. IE. they certainly are not breeding here now.

[[left margin]] Cy? [[/left margin]]

7:08. Speak of the devil! On side paths, thru second growth scrub, hear what sound like Cy songs in distance. But these songs have "Zeeee zeee" Intro notes. Then hear more Cy songs with "Tut tut" Intro Notes.  Unfortunately, the singing bird cannot be seen. NODWA. Shuts up. 7:12. Then I hear one Yellowface song. NODWA

[[left margin]] Cy Coer[[/left margin]]

Aha! Then mixed flock appears in area. (This is described in detail elsewhere.) Certainly includes 1 Cy.  And it also is visited (escorted by 1 Coer!!!

[[left margin]] Coer[[/left margin]]

To my recollection, this is the first time I have seen Coer in the southern part of the Central Cordillera. And it is interesting that this bird appeared in moderately low (or high) but very thick scrub. This scrub certainly should not be described as "dwarf forest", but its physiognomy is not very different.

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]] 

Territories of Cy and Coer here certainly are at least partly 

[[left margin]] Coer [[/left margin]] overlapping.

The certain presence of both Cy and Coer in this area makes it necessary to re-interpret part of the description above. The songs beginning

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to fix.