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Mixed Diglossini, Aug 14, 1965, IV   122

[[llera?]]??? I wish I could see some contact between Cy and Coer!

August 15, 1965

Going to work along same side path as yesterday. Arrive 5:37 am. Just starting to get light. Partly cloudy. Little wind. Fairly cool.


[[left margin]] Setti [[/left margin]]

Ca. 7:05 am. 9200 ft. Region of scattered tall mature trees above thick scrub, with lots of bamboo. Mixed flock appears (described elsewhere). Includes 4 Sittis! Probably 2 pairs. At one point, there is a lot of disputing among Sittis. Chasing and supplanting. As far as I can tell, this is not accompanied by ritualized postures or movements. But it is accompanied by many loud vocalizations. Loud "Tuk" or "Tuh" notes. Presumably SHN's. At least once, a series of such notes is uttered very rapidly. Forming what appears to be a real R. Alco lots of determinate 5-note phrases. A phrase of this type might be transcribed by something like: "Whuet ta-ta-wanh-hunh".


(I am not sure that I have got the relative pitch of these notes correctly. But there certainly were quite noticeable changes in pitch.) These phrases presumably hostile. Presumably strictly homologous with Twitters of other Diglossini. But not very accelerated. And certainly not even apparently "formless."

One peculiar feature of these vocal patterns is that they are so

Transcription Notes:
[[image]] seems to be showing how the pitch of the bird went up "Whuet", then down with shorter sounds -"ta-ta-wanh-", then upwards with "hunh". [[/image]]