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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 15, 1965, II. 
sas today (and yesterday). Have they all moved???

August 16, 1965                                     

Going to work in Tijeras region this morning. Beginning same place where I worked a couple of months ago. Arrive 5:22 am. Still quite dark. Fairly cool. Sky fairly clear. According to my altimeters  now, the altitude here is 8400 ft., 2575 m. 

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]] 
6:47. Hear both Yellowface and Cy  singing slightly down hill. Apparently no overlaps.

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]] 
Further down road, hear more Yellowface and Cy songs. Definitely not overlapping.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
8:25 am. Region very mixed second growth 8090 ft. See single ♂. Albi 25 ft up tangle of vines in trees. Flies into low bush, uttering "Seeet" Notes. Then ♂ and a ♀ Albi fly out of bush and disappear. 

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]]
A few minutes later, hear a couple of Cy song phrases in tree 50 ft  away. NODWA. 

[[left margin]] Gen Cy Albi [[/left margin]]
SEE ALSO TODAY'S NOTES ON GENERAL MIXED FLOCKS. COMMENT: At relatively low elevations, the Diglossa fauna of the eastern slopes of this mountain is quite reminiscent of the southern part of the Western Cordillera. I.E the Diglossa  population as a whole is comparatively very sparse; and only Cy and Albi are at all common. These two species seem to be the only (non commensal Diglossini which can withstand extreme humidity at comparatively low elevations with considerable success.  

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
(It might be mentioned that hummingbirds were quite common 

Transcription Notes:
Margin notes can be transcribed after or before other linear text is transcribed (at the end or beginning of the main transcription text) BUT... INSTRUCTIONS SAYS TO USE [[left margin]] [[/left margin]]. I HAD TO CHANGE EVERY SINGLE INCORRECT MARGIN DESIGNATION ON ALL THE PAGES SO FAR. Typist put [[in margin]] [[in margin]]. They also forgot a /.