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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 18, 1965, II

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
6:59 Both BQ's back in same Guavo Alone. Uttering "CN"s. BQ's fly off. 7:12. A small greenish hummingbird feeds on flowers same tree. Silent and alone. Flies off. Then CYR visits same tree. Looking for insects on leaves. Silent and alone. Then at least 1 BQ back. Apparently some sort of dispute between BQ & CYR! (Can't see details.) Then CYR flies off. BQ remains behind. Sings. "Triumph"? Song phrase a long, single Twitter. BQ flies off. Then I hear more songs, same type, some distance away.

Everything dead quiet 7:20am.

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
7:28am Single BQ back in Guavo Silent and alone

Leaving 7:40am