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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 13, 1967, II     2 

not be full breeding season for most of the species here

Then presumed Cy shuts up.

Then I hear presumed Whitestart Song. Slightly down hill. Region second growth scrub. NODWAH. Phrases more or less Laf-like in the same way as those of all the other "high altitude whitestarts" in other parts of the Andes.

5:52 am. Whitestarts shut up. Then I can hear some sort of hummingbird in distance.

Hummingbird shuts up. Hear a few more Whitestart phrases. NODWAH. Shut up.

[[left margin]]Albi[[/left margin]]
Then I see single Hummingbird XX perched, silently, 5ft up in scrub USTF. A few seconds later, ♂✓11 Albi appears in scrub 10-15ft away. Silent. Feeding. Apparently paying no attention to XX. But XX flies away immediately.

6:02 am. A couple of jays appear in USTF. Noisy. But definitely alone.

6:03. Another brief burst Whitestart Song. NODWAH.

NOTE: It has been a beautiful clear day so far. At first very calm. But now a strong wind is coming up.

The whole area seems quite deserted now. I.E. everything probably has joined "the flock" already, and started uphill.

6:12. More hummingbird song. NODWAH. Hummer shuts up. Hear some more Whitestart Song. NODWAH.

NOTE: The birds Singing now probably are not the same ones heard earlier this morning. I.E. the Whitestart population here probably is dense.