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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 14, 1967, II. 
[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
Hear Altapetes PN's 5:29. Completely overlapping lots of things. Shut up. Then hear what may be Albi R's in distance, 5:31. NODWAH. Shut up.

See group 4 ✓✓✓✓26 Local Yellowbellies 10-20 ft up in tree. Quiet. Apparently alone. Fly off. Nothing follows.

First Whitestart CXXVII Songs 5:33 NODWAH. Shut up.

5:39 am. See "Brown Whitestart"✓✓28 flycatching in small trees 8-15 ft up. Silent. There is another bird in a tree a few feet away. Probably also same species. Apparently alone.

There are several Green Toucanets "Croaking" around here. Also apparently alone.

More Whitestart CXXVII Song not far away. NODWAH. Shuts up. Then hear Rattle-Flourish sounds. Shut up. More Whitestart Song. NODWAH. Shuts up.

5:47. See single Cheek ✓29 Atlapetes 15 ft up in "tangle". Silent and alone.

Then more Whitestart CXXVII Songs. NODWAH. But Whitestart Songs seem to stimulate something to Rattle (again-as yesterday). Whitestarts shut up.

NOTE: According to my altimeter, this area is 7400 ft.

[[left margin]] 10 [[/left margin]]
5:55. First flock seems to be forming. Same place where flock seen yesterday afternoon. See 2 89 Cheek Atlapetes low in second growth scrub. Very noisy. Lots of "PN"s (actually these are probably "begging notes" by juv. Then a third 90 Cheek appears. Then some sort of "Whitestart 91" ("Brown"?) j→ Cheeks. Then some sort of tanager (Local Yellowbelly?) j→

Transcription Notes:
Green Toucanets = birds in the Toucan family. odd appearing #s seem to be a count.