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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 15, 1967, V.   14 

[[left margin]] Albi Nocti [[/left margin]]
Nocti, hummingbirds, Sooty, not observed to feed while with group. All the others spent most of their time apparently looking for insects, in their various ways. Yellowbelly also took red berries in scrub apart from trees. 

The Empidonax types made a lot of hostile noises. So did the hummingbirds. Whitestart CXXVII Sang from time to time. NODWAH. All the others just uttered "contact notes", while with flock (but see below). Group as a whole moderately noisy.

[[left margin]] Albi Nocti [[/left margin]]
The presence of the male and female Albi in this flock, in the taller vegetation just below the area of lower vegetation where the Nocti was heard Singing earlier, was most interesting. But the relations between the two species obviously are not completely simple.

[[left margin]] Albi Nocti [[/left margin]]
After I had been watching the flock for some time, the male Albi suddenly flew out. And flew up hill to approximate area where Nocti heard earlier!!! Then I saw that this male Albi was being chased by another male Albi (identification definite). Birds flew back and forth throughout all or most of what probably is lower half (at least) of Nocti range or territory. Chase apparently quite silent. Nocti not visible or audible at any time during this chase. Then the 2 ♂ Albis disappear from view.

[[left margin]] Albi Nocti [[/left margin]]
A few minutes later, the Nocti does appear! Flittering about in low scrub lower half range or territory. Once utters R-"Zaza". Then perches briefly 2 ft up. Get a good view of it. Identification definite (plumage does look comparatively shiny).

[[left margin]] Nocti [[/left margin]]
And then the Nocti flies downhill, into taller and lusher scrub, apparently joining flock. (I don't know of Albis were still associated with group at the time or not. But I imagine