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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 15, 1967, VI                15

that the female, at least, probably was.)

Flock gradually moves down hill, without my seeing any more Diglossas of any kind.

NOTE: This flock certainly was not the same as the group I have been calling the (highway)flock. Between 1/8 and 1/4 of a mile away from the range of the latter.

Ca. 8:15 am, while I am still writing my notes, a pair of Yellowbellies ✓✓49 suddenly appears in ravine trees.  Coming from downhill. Probably same bird(s) with flock earlier. But now definitely alone.

[[left margin]] Albi Nocti [[/left margin]]
COMMENT:  It looks as if Nocti and Albi are usually separated microgeographically, by vegetation preference, here. But this separation may break down, in more or less "unusual" circumstances (fights, the presence of flocks). When it does break down, the 2 species seem to avoid one another.

[[left margin]] Albi Nochi [[/left margin]]
(It has just occurred to me that the comparatively great amount of white on the local Albis may be "character displacement", to enhance their distinctiveness from Noctis. Similarly, the unusual shininess of the local Noctis may be an adaptation to enhance their distinctiveness from Albis.)

[[left margin]] Thalass [[/left margin]]
8:40 am. Going down road approaching area where "the" flock seen earlier days. Hear Thalass 3-note Song. NODWAH. But not very intense or continuous

Cloud starting to come up now.

"The" flock does not seem to be around at the moment; but I can hear Cheek Atlapetes "PN"s up hill

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
9:38 Hear hummingbird 1-note Song in area of mixed

Transcription Notes:
It IS Thalass , as in possibly Thalass droma pelagica.