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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 15, 1967, VII  16

scrub and scattered USTF trees just above station. NODWAH. Unfortunately, can't see singing bird.

Stopping observations 9:45 am.

Working directly above station this afternoon. But not in "usual" place. Ca. 7660 ft. Lower edge USTF. Weather is hot; alternate sun and fog.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]] 
Have been hearing a lot of 1-note hummingbird Songs (see notes on mixed flocks). Then, finally, 3:37. See Singing bird. Definitely Colibri. And definitely Scan. Bird I am watching is perched 10ft up in bare tree in region of rather open but not very low scrub, stretching some 20 yds out and down from real USTF.

[[left margin]] Albi  Scan [[/left margin]]
Then suddenly there is a fight in neighborhood! Male Albi flitting around actively. Possibly engaged in dispute with another Albi - but I doubt it. In any case, Scan definitely swoops at male Albi twice during the general commotion!!!! Albi flits off and disappears.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
A few minutes later, a single XX appears! Perches 6ft up in same scrub. Neither Albi nor Scan is visible or audible at the time! Then XX flies off and disappears.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
NOTE: Scans were Singing when sun was more or less out. Now, 3:49, fog is in again. And Scans are silent

[[left margin]] Scan  Albi [[/left margin]]
ADDITION: During all the commotion involving Scan and Albi, I heard several long, moderately high pitched R's. Presumably by the male Albi.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
Speak of the devil. Fog is still in, 3:52. But there is a brief outburst of Scan Song. Possibly provoked by my movements?

Transcription Notes:
Changed symbols to "male" per transcription instructions Deleted underlining notations per transcription instructions