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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 16, 1967, IV      22

[[left margin]] Nocti
25 [[/left margin]]

Nocti ✓205 1 appears again. Flies 2 206✓ across road. Local Yellowbelly f → Nocti!  Then birds disappear from view.

It looks rather as if the Yellowbelly is "hanging around" waiting for a flock to be formed!

[[left margin]] Albi 26 [/left margin]]
A little further up road, see another single Yellowbelly 207 very low in scrub. Flies off. And a ♂ 208 Albi f → Yellowbelly! Then they separate. Both ✓✓72 alone now.

Hear more CXXVII song. NODWAH. Stops.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
NOTE: The relatively great "ecological tolerance" of Albis here is shown primarily by the fact that they often occur in vegetation not under trees.

There are lots of Sooty Thrushes in the more or less open scrub here. All alone.

[[left margin]] Nocti [[/left margin]] 
Go for a walk uphill, then back down to first Nocti area 7:55 am. Flush Nocti ✓73 from lush scrub below road. It flies into lower scrub 20 ft away. This seems to provoke an outburst of hostile vocs by some small hummer (invisible). But apparently no fight. Then Nocti flies back uphill. Goes from bush to bush. Once utters a burst of vocalizations, a jumble of R's and brief indications of Twitters, when landing. But I can't see what, if anything, provoked this.

[[left margin]] Thalass [[/left margin]]
8:12 am. Down by "the flock" area. Everything very quiet. Only a single Thalass singing occasionally. Always NODWAH.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
Then I hear some Albi type R's down hill. Completely overlapped by Thalass Song.

Cloud coming up again.