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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 17, 1967, II.   26 

Stops. This alternation goes on for some time. Mutual inhibition seems to be perfect. Several Albis and several CXXVII's involved
5:36 See single Cheek√ 87 Atlapetes. Silent and alone. 4-6 ft up bush edge slide
Whitestart CXXVII's still singing frequently 5:40. All NODWAH. But some CXXVII phrases do (again) stimulate something to rattle loudly. (Note: these rattles certainly are not Albi. Probably a furnariid.) Albis seem to have stopped Singing for the time being.

5:45. See pair Cheek ✓✓89 Atlapetes, 1-3 ft up, in scrub edge USTF ravine. Silent. Alone.

Then see single Yellowbelly ✓90 15 ft up in tree some distance away. Also alone.

[[left margin]] Nocti [[/left margin]]
Then hear first Nocti Singing in distance. Apparently NODWAH. Go on up to his area. Bird still singing. All phrases very abbreviated. Without R component during the Twittering phrases themselves. But every once in a while the bird interjects a separate R between Twitters. All NODWAH. And twice the bird alternates phrases with CXXVII downhill.
Some small hummingbirds are fighting among themselves. Noisy aerial chases.

Nocti finally stops singing. A couple of minutes later, hear Albi R downhill. NODWAH.

[[left margin]] Nocti [[/left margin]]   
5:59 am. Nocti Sings again. These phrases are much longer and more "typical" of carbonaria s.l. With terminal or penultimate R components. All NODWAH.
Could there be 2 Noctis Singing here???

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED - don't need indents.