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Albi - XXII Ranges at least partly overlapping. No other information. 
[[squiggly line]]
Nocti - Cy. Apparently no contact

Nocti - Thalass. Apparently separated microgeographically and by habitat preference. 

Nocti - Scan. Apparently no contact. 

Nocti - CXXVII Probably few or no CXXVII's in "typical" Nocti habitat. But Nocti may join flocks which CXXVII is associated. Possibly some (little) competition for insect food. No overt hostility or avoidance or special joining behavior observed.

Nocti - Other Hummingbirds. Don't know if there is any real contact or not. Certainly Nocti and XX ranges are at least adjacent. 

Cy. Range may "overlap" CXXVII and various small hummingbirds; but I have no real information on this subject.

Scan Thalass. Apparently separated microgeographically.