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Sierra de Mérida Venezuela

Mixed Diglossini September 17, 1962
Road nr. Chonos de Milla

[[left margin]] BQ  CC [[/left margin]]
4:30 pm. Single BQ feeding in the tree that the cinereums ("CC"s) fed in yesterday. Apparently feeding on Eucalyptus-like flowers in same way. Apparently also uttering formless, twittering, warbling type songs (like some CC and aterrima songs), and supplanting some other small bird (perhaps a CC, more likely an hummingbird).

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]
There was at least one BQ uttering trill-songs, like those of other birds of the species I have heard in this region, when I arrived here ca 4:30

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]
5:00 Same BQ definitely feeding in same tree. On flowers. Uttering "Tsit" Notes and 2 or 3 brief trill song phrases

[[left margin]] gen [[/left margin]]
I am beginning to think that the local species of Diglossa do not like the local eucalyptus or eucalyptus-like tree.

[[left margin]] BQ  CC [[/left margin]]
5:12 Same BQ singing from exactly same perch as the CC yesterday. Songs peculiar. Sort of intermediate between typical trills and twittering warbles One phrase "Ta-ta-seeeee-ta-see-yoo"! Unritualized posture. Alternated with preening. After a few seconds bird is supplanted by an hummingbird! Hummingbird then flies away almost immediately.

There may be a lot of competition for perches here

[[left margin]] BQ CC [[/left margin]]
CORRECTION: This may not have been exactly the same perch used by the CC yesterday But no more than 20 ft. away. 

It would certainly appear that the BQ here is very "static

Transcription Notes:
That unknown bird after "some CC and" is tricky. Looked up lots of possibilities and no luck. And the start of the word could be "ci" or "a". But since there does not appear to be a dot over the "i", I would lean toward "a". Then probably "te". But then his "m"s and "n"s and "s"s and "u"s look very alike. So the end could be "mma" or "ssima" or a lot of other things. *Yes, it took me awhile to find it online, but did.