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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 17, 1962, II                

[[left margin]] BQ  CC [[/left margin]] 
very tenacious in remaining within a relatively small area. While the CC's must be more mobile and/or have a much larger home range or territory. 
Altitude here is 5610 (uncorrected)
Leaving 5:35 p.m.

Mixed Diglossini, I September 18, 1962 La Montaña

7:40 am. Come across same ad. gloriosa ("Glor"), in exactly same place as before. Behaving just as before. Lots & lots of CN-like notes. These could be transcribed as "Tuck" almost as well as "Tut".

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
This adult has short tail. I shall call it A.
It looks as if this species is sedentary too.
This bird was quite low in scrub, and disappeared into deep thicket Thickets here are very dense. No trees above bush.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]] 
8:00 am. ♀ or juv. Diglossa. Same type as seen near here before. Gray above. Slightly browner gray below. Definite wash of buff on throat. Definite flash of white when wings move. I shall call this type "Buff-Throat". Apparently completely lacking streaking below. This bird was feeding on tubular flowers in bushes in forest. Trees above bush. About 5-10 ft. above ground. Utters a few "Tut"s while feeding. Apparently quite alone. 

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]] 
8:03 am. Sudden outburst of Diglossini song. Quite reminiscent of cyanea in Nono. And sure enough it is cyanea!! Apparently single bird. Singing on perch in tree about 20 ft above ground Song may be slightly different from that of Nono birds, insofar as the