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Mixed Diglossini, Sept 20, 1962, VI

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
[[image: hand drawing of bird]]
Posture maintained between phrases as well as during

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]
Then Glor shuts up & flies away. Albis begin singing again almost immediately.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
The color pattern of the Glors is remarkably cryptic in this environment here. Lots of the thicket leaves are brownish. The almost pure black of other species may be cryptic where vegetation is greener and darker.

[[left margin]] Albi  Glor [[/left margin]]
Albis shut up and Glor starts to sing again. Quite long phrases. Some with terminal R. One with penultimate R. Unfortunately I can't see the bird this time. 

[[left margin]] Glor  Albi [[/left margin]]
Glor shuts up. Albi sings again. Shuts up. Glor sings again. Shuts up. Then Glor sings again & again. No Trll's. Occasionally an Albi interjects a song phrase between bursts of Glor song. Sometimes Glor starts in again before Albi has quite stopped. The Glor certainly did not have its belly fluffed during all its songs; but I couldn't see it well during most songs. 9:29.

[[left margin]] Glor Albi [[/left margin]]
The Glors and Albis here seem to be reacting to one another in much the same way as the Quito species. The only thing is that their territories are almost mutually exclusive. But I have certainly seen at least one Glor and at least one Albi (with attendant Buff-throat) in the same bushes (on different days).

[[left margin]] Glor Albi Cy [[/leftmargin]] In view of the fact that the Glor-Albi and Albi-Cy relations

Transcription Notes:
margin info needs fixing