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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 3, 1965, III

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]

ing of the wings. No obvious fluffing or ruffling (but the birds were a far distance away from me) one or both uttering frequent, but essentially single "Zheee" or "Zheeet" Notes at irregular intervals. Finally the Bowing bird was attacked by the other! Driven away.

[[left margin]] XCC [[/left margin]] 

Oh Good Heavens! 5:24 pm. I look back to Erythrina Tree where dispute occurred. BQ's not visible. But there is a "CC" there (I shall call this "XCC" for the time being). Feeding on Erythrina flowers. Exactly the same flowers where  at least one BQ fed earlier(as well as some Hummers). Apparently piercing flowers at base (It is possible, I suppose, that it was merely using holes made by Baris and/or BQ's made earlier.) Quite silent.

[[left margin]] XCC [[/left margin]]

This bird looks very much like a CC. Medium gray above, paler below. Definitely has superciliary stripe. But abdomen and vent are definitely white or whitish. Not buffy or rufous.

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]

While this bird is feeding, a female Bari lands about 5 ft away. Feeds on another clump of Erythrina flowers. Usual Diglossa way. Silent. Absolutely no reaction between the Bari and the XCC. Bari flies on almost immediately.

[[left margin]] XCC BQ [[/left margin]]

XCC remains behind, feeding, for some seconds more. Then also flies off. As soon as it is gone, a BQ in an adjacent tree (Eucalyptus) bursts into loud song. Then flies into Erythrina. Feeds in same general area where XCC and Bari were earlier.

[[left margin]] XCC BQ [[/left margin]]

XCC back same tree 5:38. Again feeding at base of flowers. BQ's also in tree at same time, but not very close.

[[left margin]] XCC [[/left margin]]
This time, I see that XCC has definite dark streak thru eye. But apparently no cheek patch. And apparently its wings are slightly olive green. Is this a migrant warbler? But it is awfully small.