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[[circled]] 71 [[/circled]

Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 5 1965, III  

[[margin]] BQ XCC [[/margin]]
a tree. For some minutes, there is no other diglossini in tree. Then
an XCC flies into far side of tree. Starts to feed on Erythrina flowers. At least 50 ft from BQ. XCC and BQ ignore one another. Then a second XCC appears. Lands about 20 ft (perhaps less) from first XCC. One XCC supplants the other. Supplanted leaves without resistance. No chase. By this time BQ seems to have disappeared. Supplanted XCC goes over to side of tree where BQ was earlier. Starts to feed. After a couple of seconds, BQ (re)appears. Drives off XCC in obvious attack! Apparently silent.
[[margin]] XCC [[/margin]]
[[margin]] BQ XCC [[/margin]]

[[margin]] XCC [[/margin]]
4:20 pm. Both XCC's back in far side of tree. Sometimes come quite close to one another. But apparently ignore one another!!

Rain worse 4:30 pm., and all interesting birds seem to have disappeared for the nonce.

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
4:36. BQ back feeding in same tree. No other diglossini in sight Joined by another BQ. The two feed & move very close together

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
Well well!!! 4:42. Both BQ's still feeding peacefully. Also lately no sign of hostility between them. Then suddenly lots of activity.
One of the birds flies straight to the other. Hovers over its back. Stays there for 1-2 seconds, wings whirring wildly. Possibly the two birds are in physical contact. if not, they must be separated by an inch or less. Then the "hoverer" flies away. Lands on perch a foot or so away. Then repeats this performance at least 10 times!!! All performances essentially identical. The bird "being hovered above" just continues feeding quietly throughout. Both birds apparently silent. Certainly no loud song. This behavior must be largely or completely sexual. Comparable to the Pouncing of other species.

Rain stopped 4:52 pm.