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[[circled]] 81 [[/circled]

Mixed Deglossini, Apr. 9, 1965, II
[[margin]] XCC [[/margin]]
have been the same species as the bird I am calling "XCC" here!

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
II. I think I may have exaggerated the "ee" quality of the Intro Notes of the Songs of the Cys at Paramo La Negra in my descriptions this year.  Probably all the Intro Notes of all the Cys in this region are quite abrupt.

A thought has just occured to me. I used to think that the primary purpose of the "Trit"-type Intro Notes of the Cys near Quito was to distinguish the songs of tree birds from those of the adjacent Aters. This may well be so. But they may also help to distinguish the Cy Songs from those of the Coers. Do Coers and Cys overlap frequently in Equador? (It may well be significant that south of Equador, where both Cys and Coers have similar Intro Notes - "Seeeees" - the main body of the song phrases of the two species are different - unlike the situation in the northern Andes where the main bodies of their songs are similar.)

April 10, 1965
Pico de Espejo
This afternoon working at usual place near Chorros de Milla.
Arrive 3:45pm. Just as rain starts!

[[margin]] Bari[[/margin]]
♀ Bari feeding in Erythrina. Silent NOD
[[margin]] XCC Glor[[/margin]]
Some distance further on, see XCC feeding in non-flowering tree which certainly was in range or home territory of Glor the last time I saw it. The XCC is picking insects off leaves. Getting a particularly good