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[[circled]] 83 [[/circled]

Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 10, 1965, III  

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
5:01 pm. Adult & juv. BQ still flying around together.

5:04. Tanager LXXVI suddenly shows up. Single bird. Flies straight into tree which I know the Baris visit occasionally Ignores juv. BQ in adjacent tree. Definitely alone. Feeds on small white flowers or fruits. Mandibulating them. Then perches, exposed, 25 ft up. Sings. Phrase after phrase at frequent but irregular intervals. All phrases composed of 4 or 5 "Zeeeee" notes. Quite loud, but rather high and thin. Then the bird flies off. This species is rather Diglossa-like.

Leaving 5:20 pm. Rain increasing

[[margin]] Glor [[/margin]]
COMMENT: It would appear that the Glor definitely has left the Chorros de Milla area. Possibly because the Erythrina there is past its prime and no longer very attractive (Note that the Baris did not visit the tree nearly as frequently this afternoon as on previous days.) Possibly also the good weather we have been having the last few days (until this afternoon) has permitted the Glor to go (back) up hill See below

April 11 1965
Pico de Espejo


Working around hotel this afternoon. Start 3:45 pm.

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
BQ's singing.

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]] One bird does "Ta ta ta taseeeeee yoo" phrases. Sometimes single Sometimes in doublets Sometimes the penultimate run is almost or completely suppressed